Hi, I'm Yael 🙂

As a life coach, I help women transcend their challenges and create the lives they truly desire. I focus heavily on preparing singles to attract healthy spouses, healing anxiety, parenting, and self esteem.

In all my work, I put great emphasis on teaching self love, and strengthening spiritual connections- which are immensely powerfeul sources of healing!  

With Hashem’s help I have led many women out of  the darkness-to a life of joy and tranquility- faster than they could have ever imagined.

Watch the “Heal your Anxiety” Webinar!

Learn 5 Powerful Tools You Need for a Life of Inner Peace and Serenity.

What I offer:

1:1 Coaching

Change your reality in ways you never thought possible

Classes that combine Torah with life tools

Listen to my free classes at your leisure


Upgrade your events with practical and entertaining inspiration

Group Sessions

Learn life tools with the added support of a nurturing group

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